Los Angeles mama to four nutty kids, musician's wife, photographer, and former model/actress. Find me at my new home mamalalaland.com
Monday, November 29, 2010
Why So Grimm?

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Get In Ma Belly!

Happy Tofurkey Day!

Monday, November 22, 2010
Midnight Boobie gymnastics!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010
Much Ado...

Friday, November 12, 2010
Bread And Circus
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Drink up ye hearties, yo ho!

Sleep is very precious to me and these days, as it's extremely difficult to come by. So, when I finally have all of the kids to sleep and when my head FINALLY hits the pillow, it is truly a joyous moment. I co-sleep with the babies, which makes night feedings way more convenient, but, I have to be careful about not waking them. Last night, as usual, I got into bed and slowly, quietly, got into a comfortable position, as not to disturb the little darlings in their sweet slumber. Just as I got settled in, I heard the wood floors creak in the hallway, and I knew what was coming. Damn it. Our cat Pirate is like a dog... well, actually, all of our cats are like dogs in their own irritating little way, but Pirate is an especially (annoyingly) friendly cat. Is it too much to ask for a cat that acts like a cat?? I want an indifferent, aloof, a**hole of a creature that will notice you every now and then for the occasional head scratching, but is otherwise completely uninterested in the human race... but, I digress...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
(Insert evil laugh here)
I love my gardener, Sylvestre. Why I was previously so stubborn and determined to do all my own yard and house work is beyond me! Maybe because as a teenager, it was one of my weekly chores at home, to mow and edge the lawn, and I was always just used to doing it? It takes less than an hour and can be strangely therapeutic, same with vacuuming- I love to vacuum! Is that odd? The only thing that stopped me in my tracks was bed rest when I was put on bed rest while pregnant with the twins. When that happened, we got a maid and a gardener and the girls went to stay with Grandma when daddy worked because my bed rest was strict as could be. Who says stay-at-home-moms don't do anything? If my bed rest resulted in the hiring of housekeepers, gardeners and (basically) a childcare provider, then nobody can tell me that staying home and taking care of the house and kids isn't a job. Hmph! So, once I was able to move around again after my C-section, maybe at a month postpartum, we sadly let the maids go... but I just couldn't let go of our gardener- I had to have at the very least the outside of our house looking like I had my sh*t together, and the inside... well... I'd work on that.
Just throw 'em in a basket in the back seat!

So, the babies are growing fast. They're almost 6 months and, Bea, my little butterball turkey is now almost 18 lbs and Atticus is a solid 16 lbs of lean muscle, and I am proud to say that it's been 100% breastmilk! So, they're getting way too heavy to carry around in their infant seats and I'm debating upgrading them to the girls old Britax Marathons soon. The older girls recently got new Sunshine Radian XTSL seats (in Flora, sooo puuurty), and we've been using the Marathons in Grandma's car for when they visit over there. One of the seats is a flower print, the other is a moo-cow print, so they're perfect B/G patterns for the twins. My issue here is this: carseats expire! Drat! The flower print seat is expiring in February 2011, so, not long to go, and the cow is in April of 2012, so that one's got some time. I'm so not in the mood to spend another $300 on a new car seat or two, but it must be done. So, naturally, I've been obsessing over car seat crash test videos and reviews which really, are just making me never want to drive again. Ever. In fact, I think I will just keep my kids in a big plastic bubble and never let them out of the house again after watching those videos… but I have been known to be overly paranoid…
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Boo on you, flu!

So, I haven't had the flu in 10 years, but yesterday, it finally decided to pay me a visit. Why it didn't wait for Monte to be home to help me, I don't know, but I guess I'm at least grateful it was just a 24 hour thing and it wasn't a barf-a-thon like when Ariel was sick. The girls went to grandma's house, but the babies had to stay with the boobies, so I spent most of the day rotating the babies from nap nanny, to jumperoo, to boob to swing, to crib, to floor, to boob. I tried to nap when they did, but whatdaya know? They took 30-40 min naps through the day, which only overlapped by 15-20 minutes- so that resulted in me getting maybe 10 minutes of sleep the whole day, which is almost worse than none at all- what a tease! I think I would have paid anything to sleep. So, I called my friend, Erin, who nannies part-time for some other families and asked her to come over to help and told her I'd pay her anything- but, she was nannying! Argh! The only other people were a few friends that I could count on for help, but they have kids, and because they have kids, I didn't want to possibly spread anything to them. My friends who don't have kids have no clue what to do with a baby, let alone two, and so that would have just caused me more stress and I wouldn't have been able to rest. My mom had the girls, so she was out of the question, and my super-duper Grandma Jane lives close by, but I didn't want to risk her getting sick, also. So, I toughed it out, the babies had me up every hour all night to eat (when will this growth spurt be over???), but I woke up feeling 98% better, yaaaay!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
If you're gonna spew, spew in this...