Wednesday, August 11, 2010

On the road again...

Day 80 of being alone with 4 kids 5 and under. I probably should have started this blog a while I was pregnant with the twins, though I don't know what I would have written about during my almost 2 months of bed rest. All of the TV shows I caught up on on Netflix, perhaps? For what it's worth, I'm team Bill, I don't care how tall Eric is ;)

Here's the rundown; My husband is a musician, he travels on average 6 months out of the year. We have a lot of kids, 4 to be exact. I spend most of my time trying to stay sane while he busses and flies all over the planet being adored, while drinking cocktails on the beaches of the world- just a suggestion, honey: when I call and ask how your day went, don't tell me that you just drank some unpronounceable drink in the mediterranean sea (I swear this happened) with all of your buddies because I promise I will perform your long overdue vasectomy myself. You think I'm joking. I'm not.

Our oldest, Ariel is 5, Aurora our technically "middle" child is going to be 3 in a few weeks, and our two youngest, Atticus and Beatrix are 2.5 months. No, we did not name Ariel and Aurora after the Disney princesses, though they do think it's pretty dang cool that they have those names now that they're old enough to be obsessed with princesses. Poor Beatrix, she's going to wonder not only why she doesn't have a princess name, but why she has the only name starting with a "B". Well, the 3 "A's" and "B" thing was not intentional, we just happened to really love the names Beatrix and Atticus, despite the other "A's". Anyways, I want to write more, I really do, but the babies are crying, I think they know mommy is doing something creative for herself. They're lucky they're cute!