I get my bowls and high-tail it for the registers. The babies are getting restless, and I'm starting to regret this decision. Why didn't I just order these things online?? I must be a glutton for punishment. As I'm standing in line, I am reminded of a time almost a year ago when I was at this same exact store, only under much different circumstances.

I had just been released from the hospital after having a C-section, and dealing with Atticus being in the NICU. We spent one night home with the babies hooked up to bili-blankets, hoping to get their levels down. We went to the Dr. to test them the next morning and had to wait for the results, so we drove home hoping that they were finally fine and we could move on from this.
We were on our way home when the Dr. called with the results of his bilirubin tests, and it turned out that he had to be re-admitted for another night or two, so we had to go back to the hospital. This had already been an extremely stressful few days with my recovery and breastfeeding the twins with cracked, bleeding nipples due to a bad latch with Bea, and Atticus in the NICU. This was almost too much to handle, I was utterly exhausted and now Atticus would have to be away from me for a whole night (maybe more) while I stayed home with Beatrix because they wouldn't allow her to stay at the hospital if I went with Atticus. It was decided that Monte would stay the night with Atticus and cup feed him my pumped milk for feedings, and I'd go home with Beatrix. I had to get some pump parts for my pump, and Monte had no idea what I needed, so we stopped by Babies R Us where I quickly jumped out to get it while he stayed in the car with the now crying babies.

I remember standing in line that day, 4 days after a C-section, my stomach still looking huge and pregnant, my hair a mess on top of my head, my face was surely a wreck of old makeup with bags under my eyes. As I stood there, clutching my valves and membranes, I glanced over to the magazine rack and what I saw brought tears to my tired eyes. There I was, on the current cover of Fit Pregnancy, looking bright eyed and bushy tailed with perfect hair and makeup and my little girls by my side. That was a world so far away from where I was in that moment; a disheveled, exhausted, hormonal mess with a lot of uncertainties ahead; How long would Atticus be in the hospital for? Would I make enough milk to pump for him and nurse Beatrix as well? Will I ever sleep again?? Monte was leaving in a matter of days for 6 whole months. I was overwhelmed and terrified. It was very rough, but fortunately, Atticus ended up being there for only one night, and I was able to make and pump enough milk to sustain both babies. We all survived then, and beyond and at almost 1 year they are still nursing strong!
So here I was again, same exact place, under much different circumstances. My two almost 1 year old babies were happy (a bit whiney) and healthy and clinging to my body, and the girls were by my side, begging for every toy in sight, gotta love 'em. Life is good.
amazing how much can change in a years time. You are amazing and this was a beautiful post. I must say thank you for allowing me as a fan of Monte's and yours to be apart of your life through pictures and tweets and such. watching beatrix and Atticus grow this past year has been a wonderous sight and seeing the girls get older has been beautiful. you have a lovely family and both you and Monte are doing an awesome job the kids are lucky to have you two as parents. i can't wait to see what this next year brings to you all. much love being sent to you all. hugs to everyone.
ReplyDeleteyou're a super mama, Lisa!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Becca and lllana! That means a lot :)
ReplyDeleteI have always enjoyed reading your blog entries and your tweets over the last year and am so happy your husband had posted the link to your blog. Its been wonderful seeing your children grow this last year and have thoroughly enjoyed all your beautiful photos. They grow so fast. I look forward to seeing more photos and entries of what everyone has been up to this next year and hopefully life has settled down more now that the tour is done. You guys seem to be doing a wonderful job and its so nice you've shared all the happy and tiring experiences of the last year with your followers. Your children and family are absolutely adorable.
ReplyDeleteJust stumbled upon your blog through another...I, too, am a musician's wife. I don't have as many kids, but I know what it's like to try to get to babies r us while he's on week 10 of a tour and I haven't slept in days! Just keep swimming... :)
Kim, thank you for that :) Life is settling down a bit more, and I'm trying to get around to writing more blog entries, I have about 5 drafts going on and can never find the time to finish them!
ReplyDeleteHi, Katie! It's always so nice to meet another musician's wife. I don't know many at all, so it's great to meet you! I'm going to check out your site :)